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Scopes In JavaScript

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The accessibility of variables, functions, and other identifiers in your JavaScript code is essentially defined by scope. It sets the locations for which a specific identification can be accessed and changed. Assume every code block to be a distinct container with a unique collection of variables. Some containers nestle inside of other containers to form an accessible hierarchy.

Types of Scopes in JavaScript:

JavaScript primarily uses three main types of scopes:

  1. Global Scope: This includes the entirety of your JavaScript program and is the outermost scope. Global scope refers to variables that are declared directly in the script file or outside of any function by using the var keyword. You can reach them from any point in your code.
var globalVar = 'This is a global variable'

function someFunction() {
  console.log(globalVar) // This will work

  1. Function Scope: A new function scope is created whenever a function is defined. Variables declared within a function are only accessible from within that function and any nested functions it may have.
function anotherFunction() {
  var functionVar = 'This is only accessible inside the function'
  console.log(functionVar) // This will work


//console.log(functionVar); // This will result in a ReferenceError
  1. Block Scoping: Since the introduction of ES6 (ECMAScript 2015), JavaScript gained two new keywords for variable declaration: let and const. These keywords introduce a new concept called block scoping. Block scopes are created within code blocks enclosed in curly braces , including if statements, for loops, and even within functions. Variables declared with let and const are only accessible within the block they are defined in.
if (true) {
  let blockVar = 'This is only accessible within the if block'
  console.log(blockVar) // This will work

//console.log(blockVar); // This will result in a ReferenceError

const for Constants: Variables declared with const are treated like constants. Their value cannot be reassigned after initialization. This enforces immutability and helps prevent accidental modifications.

const PI = 3.14159
// PI = 3.14; // This will result in a TypeError

Scope Hierarchy and Nested Functions

Function scopes create a hierarchy. Variables declared within an inner function have access to variables declared in its outer function(s) but not the other way around. This allows for controlled access and prevents unintended modifications.

function outerFunction() {
  let outerVar = 'Outer function variable'

  function innerFunction() {
    let innerVar = 'Inner function variable'
    console.log(outerVar) // This will work: inner can access outer's var



//console.log(innerVar); // This will result in a ReferenceError

var vs. let and const: A Scoping Showdown

While var is still a valid keyword in JavaScript, it's generally recommended to use let and const due to their block scoping behavior. var has some quirks regarding scope that can lead to unexpected results:

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  console.log(i) // This will log 3 three times, even outside the loop!

In this example, i declared with var is hoisted to the top of its enclosing scope (usually the entire function), making it accessible even after the loop finishes. With let, the variable is scoped to the loop block, preventing this behavior.

Best Practices:

  • Use const by default for variables that don't need to be reassigned.
  • Use let for variables whose values might change within a block.
  • Avoid using var for new variable declarations. Its hoisting behavior can make code harder to understand and debug.


It is important to understand the types of scopes in JavaScript in order to write clear, reliable, and maintainable code. You can create more reliable applications and eliminate errors by understanding how variables are declared, accessed, and separated within various scopes. Remember, you may greatly reduce scope-related problems while also improving the readability of your code by defaulting to let and const and eliminating var for new declarations.